There is no climate action without climate justice.

Guardians Worldwide is an alliance of local communities, including Indigenous reserves, Afro-descent territories and Internally Displaced Peoples community groups committed to the regeneration of forests, and to the urgent acceleration of climate action.

"Thank you so much for the work you are doing. I cannot express the expanse of my gratitude for Guardians."
Krista, Philadelphia (US)
We run 12 community guardian programmes in six countries: Brazil, Chile, Kenya, Nigeria, Portugal and UK
Together, we protect 150,00 hectares of native forest including highly endangered ecosystems like the African montane rainforest, Brazilian Atlantic rainforest, Andean temperate montane forest and the African savannah forest.
We are an alliance of Indigenous, Afro-descendent, Internally Displaced and other frontline nature defenders
10 Massive Open Online Courses and training delivered to over 3,500 people in 46 countries

GWW was founded in 2018 as a Community Interest Company based in the London Borough of Southwark, London. We are registered in UK, Nigeria and Portugal.
We run 10 programmes for community led reforestation and climate action in 6 countries. We also administrate a trust made up of 10 forests as part of our Forest Twinning Initiative.​
GWW Trust manages 1.5 hectares of native forest in Serra Malcata, a biodiversity and rewilding hotspot in Portugal, and a community tree nursery and boundary woodland in Sydenham Hill, London.​​
You can find many videos on local community climate action and much more on our Guardians Youtube Channel

Kyle Powys Whyte on indigenous climate science
Get news, information about courses, projects and more
1. Reforestation
2. Indigenous Governance
3. Women's Rights
4. Monitoring Wildfires and Illegal logging
5. Supporting local economies
6. Cultural Heritage
7. Seed and Food Justice
8. Supporting Land Defenders
9. Planetary Health

Proudly funded by

Guardians Worldwide is registered in UK, Nigeria and Portugal
Registration Number: 14034592 (UK, CIC)
Email: info@guardiansworldwide.org