Follow the Land
A transformational walking course on land consciousness
With Nic Salazar
4 pre-recorded video lectures + 2 guided treks/walks along the Pilgrims Way, North Downs + reading materials and supplementary videos
This course is available on demand. The trekks take place on the last two weeks of May.
Follow the Land is a transformational walking course on land consciousness.
This course includes 4 online sessions led by Nic Salazar (preparation) and 2 optional walks along the Pilgrim's Way, held on the last two weekend in May every year.
The course explores the following key themes:
Land use
Lie of the land
Relationships between land, water catchments and tree cover
Land as ancient human marker
Old ways and ley lines
Trekking, transhumance and pilgrimage
Cultural heritage of the Pilgrim's Way in the North Downs.

Thank you for visiting Guardians Worldwide.
This course costs £150 ( €175/$190) .
That fee goes toward keeping our organisation going. After booking, you will get an e-booklet with all the course materials. This includes a PFD with all the course readings, external links to complimentary sources + video links to all taught sessions, so you can watch in your own time.

For hundreds of thousands of years, humans lived nomadic lifestyles in relative harmony with the flows and changes of the land.
What does it mean to remember the nomadic mindset and to start following the land once again? In this unique course, we will explore different cultural forms of reading the land through trekking, transhumance and pilgrimage.
You will learn about key critical and activist voices in the area of land consciousness, and find out what is happening in global movements like Land Back, landless and peasant movements and land justice.

Guardians Worldwide is a UK Registered Charity. Please contact info@guardiansworldwide.org for further details.
Guardians Worldwide, 2021