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Reserva Ecologica Fulkaxo

Fulkaxo People

Sergipe, Atlantic Forest (Brazil)

Hectares of forest: 550

In 2019, with support from Guardians Worldwide (previously Forest Care), the Kariri-Xoco won a legal case in the Brazilian High Court that will allow them relocate from Aldeia Kariri-Xoco to Cadoz Estate, a five hectare stretch of forested land in the State of Sergipe, Northeastern Brazil. Press HERE for more information on the Case and the Reserve.

GWW is working with the Kariri-Xoco Fulkaxo, based in Northeastern Brazil, helping purchase, fence up, and reforest an area of highly endangered Atlantic Forest. Less than 10% of this forest's original cover survives. The Kariri-Xoco Fulkaxo tribe have been fighting since 2004 for the rights to relocate and purchase their ancestral forest.

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Please donate to Guardians Worldwide. Your contributions will go toward the purchase and reforestation of Cadoz Estate and the maintenance of Reserva Ecologica Fulkaxo.


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Our friend Tawana Cruz and his family building a monitoring station in Pacatuba Estate/ Reserva Ecologica Fulkaxo. The station is helping members of the Fulkaxo community protect their forest from encroaching loggers and to stop wildfires in the area, as well as preserve seven water springs found within the estate.

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