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Guardians Brazil


Guardians Brazil is a collaboration between Guardians UK and two indigenous reserves, Reserva Ecologica Fulkaxo, located in Sergipe State, which protects a highly vulnerable stretch of Atlantic Rainforest, and Organizacao Povos Indigenas Alto Jurua (OPIRJ) located in the State of Para, part of the Amazon bio-region, near the border between Brazil and Bolivia 

Reserva Ecologica Fulkaxo

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Yubaka Hayra: Guardians of Jurua River

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Guardians Brazil seeks to support indigenous-led nature reserves. We know that the best way to protect forest is to have people living in the forest who depend on the forest to maintain their way of life. There are around 305 different indigenous people in Brazil alone, and many of them are stewards of forested land.


Land rights and titling of indigenous ancestral rights does not always happen, so the process of creating nature reserves run by indigenous people is an alternative that the Kariri-Xoco Fulkaxo people have pioneered to sustain their forest way of life 

Message from Tawana Kariri Xoco Fulkaxo on the need to protect waters in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil 

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