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GWW curates Massive Online Open Courses where we teach guardianship from the experience of Indigenous forest and river guardians in many parts of the world. Here are some of our guardian teachers:

Guardian: Tawana Cruz, Comunidad Ecologica Fulkaxo,

Atlantic Forest, Brazil

Guardian: Alex Meliñir, Comunidad Quinquen, Lonquimay, Chile

Guardian: Daniel Kobei

Mau Forest Complex, Kenya

Guardian: Kamilu Hassan Hamza, Kano State, Nigeria 

Guardian: Daniel Kobei

Ogiek Peoples, Kenya

Guardian: Yesica Patiachi, Harakbut Guardians, Madre de Dios, Peruvian Amazon

Guardian: Giorgos Raptis

Community leader Myrofillo Guardians of the Acheloos River, Greece


Guardian: Yanda Twaru

Sapara People, Ecuadorian Amazon

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