Fishing communities affected by the drying of Lake Chad, Republic of Chad @ Nicolas Salazar Sutil

Rolling Deadline
Are you a young researcher, action researcher or activist looking for experience in an international NGO environment?
Minority Rights Group (MRG) is offering internship opportunities for students who wish to join our Policy & Advocacy department. This is a great opportunity for postgraduate university students to gain work experience in a vibrant international NGO, gain university course credits, and advance their understanding of human rights advocacy, policy and research.
MRG welcomes applications from young researchers and activists that can help our team of experts develop our flagship World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples. This online resource provides an update on minorities and indigenous peoples in 226 countries worldwide. Our Directory readership is over 1 million, including community representatives, national and international policy-makers, human rights lawyers and journalists.
We invite applications from postgraduate students working in the areas of international law, politics and international relations, human rights, policy, indigenous rights and related fields.
We particularly welcome applications from candidates belonging to ethnic, religious, linguistic, sexual and gender minorities, as well as candidates with disabilities.
Please apply here:

Deadline December 1
Articles and Case Studies
Minority Rights Group special publication
Edited by Nicolas Salazar Sutil
Minority Rights Group International invites contributions for its upcoming Key Trends 2023 flagship publication (see here for past issues). With a readership of up to a million readers worldwide, MRG’s publications are an essential resource for individuals and groups interested in human rights, advocacy, policy, pressure group building and political decision-making.
Our upcoming issue will be devoted to the subject of water as it relates to the rights of minority and indigenous groups worldwide.
Increasingly, the life of natural water systems and the right to clean water is being threatened. The global water crisis has had a direct impact on the livelihood and sustenance of millions of people living in local communities during the past year, especially in the context of aggravated environmental degradation worldwide. Global climate change, changing patterns and disruption of water bodies especially (the drying of rivers, lakes, and springs) is compounded by failing systems of governance, policy, and jurisprudence, which have left local communities exposed to numerous and increasingly complex challenges.
This publication invites paid commissions in the form of three long articles (8,000 words) and around 20 short case studies (1,000 words each). Our fee is € 250 for short case studies and € 1,750 for thematic chapters.
Please apply
Deadline: December 1st, 2022.
Any queries to